Meet Jiu Jitsu Instructor Eve Torres Gracie

Hi, I’m Eve Torres Gracie, you may know me as the 3 time WWE Divas Champion. What you may not know is that I also am a professional Jiu Jitsu instructor and a mom.

Testimonial Eve

What led me to Visian ICL

I have dreamed of having eye surgery. My doctor tells me there is another option, Visian ICL and he explained to us what it was. And I’m thinking… why have I never heard of this?

I feel like a big part of health is using what your body already has. Visian ICL is completely in line with that because it’s keeping your eye completely intact.

Eve poster

Eve's day-to-day & where Visian ICL helps most.

Full contact mom

As a mother, getting ready in the morning, you’re trying to do like fifty different things. You’re trying to get the baby ready, you’re trying to get yourself ready. I’ve never been more grateful for not having contacts or glasses at this point of my life.

On the mat

I try to bring as many women into Jiu Jitsu as possible. Into this self defense training and mindset because I knew what it did for me. Being an athlete and having vision issues is a huge inconvenience.
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Eve Dayto Day 4

"It’s been over six years since I had my Visian ICL lenses implanted and I still couldn’t be happier with my vision. Now, all I have to focus on is Jiu Jitsu, empowering women and being a mommy.”

I first discovered that I needed glasses in the fifth grade. I remember sitting in the back of my class and borrowing my friend's glasses and I put them on and said "I can see the chalkboard."

Nothing has been quite as challenging as being a mother and learning who this person is and how I can be the best mother for him. A big part of that is finding how I’m going to balance all these things in my life and still make him the priority that he is to me.

I’ve never been more grateful for not having contacts or glasses at this point of my life.

Eve Questions Desktop

Questions with Eve

What do you do for a living?

I am a professional athlete and more importantly, a mom.

How long have you had problems with your vision?

I discovered my need for glasses in the 5th grade while sitting in the back of the classroom. I borrowed my friend’s glasses and I could actually see without squinting.

What’s your biggest pain point about contacts or glasses?

Being an athlete and having vision issues is a huge inconvenience. It really makes things challenging especially when it’s contact sports.

What about Visian ICL helped make your decision?

I believe a big part of health is using what your body already has and just making it work for you, which is exactly what Visian ICL does. My eye is still completely intact. My eye is still my eye.

Ready to Discover Visual Freedom With EVO ICL? Find a Doctor Today

Important Safety Information

The ICL is designed for the correction/reduction of myopia in patients, 21 to 60 years of age, ranging from -0.5 D to -20.0 D with or without astigmatism up to 6.0 D and the correction/reduction of hyperopia in patients, from 21 to 45 years of age, with hyperopia ranging from +0.5 D to +16.0 D with or without astigmatism up to 6.0 D. In order to be sure that your surgeon will use a ICL with the most adequate power for your eye, your nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism should be stable for at least a year before undergoing eye surgery. ICL surgery may improve your vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses. ICL surgery does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, even if you have never worn them before. ICL represents an alternative to other refractive surgeries including, laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), incisional surgeries, or other means to correct your vision such as contact lenses and eye glasses. Implantation of an ICL is a surgical procedure, and as such, carries potentially serious risks. The following represent potential complications/adverse reactions reported in conjunction with refractive surgery in general: additional surgeries, cataract formation, loss of best corrected vision, raised pressure inside the eye, loss of cells on the innermost surface of the cornea, conjunctival irritation, acute corneal swelling, persistent corneal swelling, endophthalmitis (total eye infection), significant glare and/or halos around lights, hyphaema (blood in the eye), hypopyon (pus in the eye), eye infection, ICL dislocation, macular oedema, non-reactive pupil, pupillary block glaucoma, severe inflammation of the eye, iritis, uveitis, vitreous loss and corneal transplant. Before considering ICL surgery you should have a complete eye examination and talk with your eye care professional about ICL surgery, especially the potential benefits, risks, and complications. You should discuss the time needed for healing after surgery.



1. Patient Survey, STAAR Surgical ICL Data Registry, 2018

2. Sanders D. Vukich JA. Comparison of implantable collamer lens (ICL) and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for Low Myopia. Cornea. 2006 Dec; 25(10):1139-46. Patient Survey, STAAR Surgical ICL Data Registry, 2018

3. Naves, J.S. Carracedo, G. Cacho-Babillo, I. Diadenosine Nucleotid Measurements as Dry-Eye Score in Patients After LASIK and ICL Surgery. Presented at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) 2012.

4. Shoja, MR. Besharati, MR. Dry eye after LASIK for myopia: Incidence and risk factors. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007; 17(1): pp. 1-6.

5a. Lee, Jae Bum et al. Comparison of tear secretion and tear film instability after photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery , Volume 26 , Issue 9 , 1326 - 1331.

5b. Parkhurst, G. Psolka, M. Kezirian, G. Phakic intraocular lens implantantion in United States military warfighters: A retrospective analysis of early clinical outcomes of the Visian ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7):473-481.

*American Refractive Surgery Council